Restoring Your Home – Services
You must have an expert check your property’s services before you turn them back on.
The damage caused by the flood may not be obvious and switching on a service could be very dangerous.
- Mains supply water should not be affected by flooding, but wash the taps and then run them for a short time to ensure that silt has not entered the system.
- If you suspect that your mains supply has been contaminated contact Irish Water and boil tap water for at least 20 minutes before use.
- Check the pipe work in your house to ensure that it has not been damaged and check any insulation around the pipes and replace as necessary.
- Water supplies that are not on the mains system, such as cisterns or wells, may be contaminated and should not be used until they have been tested over a period of time. Consult a specialist for advice.
An electrician will check the junction boxes, socket outlets, light switches and ceiling connections to ensure that there is no water trapped inside them. Modern wiring can withstand a short period of flooding, but if your property was flooded for more than a couple of hours then you might need to replace the wiring in your house.
Consider re-routing cables to drop down from above.
- Drains and sewers are rarely damaged by floods, but they may block and back up. Check this by flushing toilets and running taps. Report any blockages to Irish Water as soon as possible.
- If sewer repairs need to be made, consider installing anti-backflow devices.
- If you have a private sewage system, make sure that there is no damage that could result in a health hazard. Saturated soils may interfere with its proper function. Do not use the system until the floodwater level has subsided.
- Service damaged tanks, etc. and have them inspected as soon as possible by a professional.
Water and mud may enter gas systems during a flood. A registered contractor can check all your appliances, as these may be dangerous, even if they appear to be working normally.